Who inspires you? Are there women writers, artists, and/or activists who have majorly impacted how you think and work?
If so, March is the perfect time to thank them, in person, on the page, and in the community. Write Amazon reviews of your favorite author’s books. A few stars and one sentence means so much to a writer. Recommend a class taught by your motivating professor. Better yet, email her or him and let she or he know how their teaching influenced you. Go beyond the “retweet” and “love” buttons to donate one hour or ten dollars to the cause of the leader who inspires you to be a better person.
A MFA graduation speech that I heard at Goddard College continues to inspire me. If you have ever taken my flash fiction writing workshop, or even attended a longterm writers’ group with me, I have mentioned this speech by Bhanu Kapil. Heck, it wasn’t even my graduation. But her words live on in my heart. Inspired by her vision, I wrote a response piece. Happily, this piece, “76 Words,” is being published by Women in the Visual and Literary Arts in Houston in their upcoming chapbook.
Please join me as I read my flash essay “76 Words” along with the talented women of WiVLA at Houston Public Library on International Women’s Day! Our reading is on 3/8 at 6:30pm. It will also be my first literary event as a new mother, and reminds me of one of the most inspiring women in my life – my hardworking mom, Marge Flaherty. For more info on the reading see WiVLA’s homepage at http://wivla.org/inspired.htm
Happy Holidays, Readers and Writers
Happy holidays! Tidings of some comfort and everyday joys. Thank you,