Writing in Times of Change

Let’s get this straight, I respect fiction writers of all political opinions. A well-crafted story is a well-crafted story.

However, I do think that it is the writer’s responsibility to hold up a mirror to their society. This may be done directly in a poem or a memoir, in a story with characters going through change, or in science fiction set on another planet. In fact, many science fiction writers, such as Ray Bradbury, can be seen as raising important social questions.

So, while the writer can try to be objective, we are all creatures of our history. My concerns for the future of America in this time of uncertainty will be voiced here. I don’t strive to offend anyone, but I am who I am. A few readers may decide not to read my work. That’s their right. I value honesty in writing, so I will be honest about my feelings.


Many of my friends and fellow artists want to raise their voices in this time of uncertainty. What will happen to health care for working families?  Will racism’s affect on government policy become more blatant? Will the rights of women of all backgrounds and of the LGBTQ community be tuned back? Possibly. And so, it is time for writers and artists to use our words as political tools…

Words are mirrors. Characters create empathy. I invite friends who, for many valid reasons, can not/could not attend Writers Resist or the Women’s March on DC or Austin, or do not feel safe at political rallies, to write out their questions, frustrations & fears for America’s future. Stories that challenge. Poems that protest. Memoirs that matter. Publish them yourself, on your blog or in an ebook, if no one else can. Let’s get our voices out there!